About Us

Greenwich Friends Meeting is a spiritual community that gathers together for worship, fellowship, and social witness. We are affiliated with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

We gather for worship each First Day (Sunday) from Oct. 1 – May 31 at the Upper Meeting House at 720 Ye Greate St., Greenwich, NJ and from June 1 – September 30 at the Lower Meeting House, at 1064 Ye Greate St. Greenwich, NJ.

Our meeting sometimes gathers for intergenerational sharing. Please consult the calendar for dates and times.

We are a member of Salem Quarter

Greenwich Friends Meeting is part of Salem Quarterly Meeting an association of seven meetings in Salem, Cumberland, Cape May and Gloucester Counties. Established in 1682, Salem Quarterly Meeting is a regional division of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. The Quarter meets four times each year for fellowship, discussion, activities, worship and a business meeting.

Greenwich Friends and Quaker Seekers. Greenwich Friends Meeting member, Paul Somers, writes and produces a weekly spiritual consideration that incorporates Meeting updates, Quaker affirmations and queries, Biblical and inspirational texts for consideration, and other items of interest to seekers. It is used by Quaker Meetings and other congregations at various times. Regular readers include local Friends, as well as seekers from as far afield as Japan, New Zealand and England.

To join the list contact: paul@mauricerivermusic.com.