Meeting Times & Locations

Visitors are Welcome. Experience the Quakers (Friends) quiet, simple worship.

Meeting Times:

Sunday (First Day) Schedule
Meeting for Worship 9:30 – 10:15 A.M.

Monthly Meeting for Business
First Sunday of the month at 10:15 A.M. following meeting for worship.

Meeting Locations

During the pandemic, some members worship in a Zoom meeting and some worship at a meetinghouse.  Zoom Meetings: Please email and ask to be included on the weekly invitation. In person meetings: Face  coverings and social distancing are required. New

Upper Meetinghouse, 720 Ye Greate Streete, Greenwich, NJ  directions
Fall, Winter, and Spring

Lower Meetinghouse, 1064 Ye Greate Streete, Greenwich, NJ  directions
Summer – Starting the first Sunday of June